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2018 Gustafson-Miller Change the Landscape Award

Jo Basey, Indiana University, Kelley School of Business, Indiana Business Research Center (Retired) 

In its inaugural year, the Women & Hi Tech Board of Directors has chosen to honor one of our own with this prestigious award. Jo Basey has been a driving force in changing the landscape of women represented in STEM in Indiana, particularly in the field of information technology. In the early 90’s, she created The Information Management Affiliates program at Indiana University, a powerful coalition of academic and business organizations to generate and share knowledge about information technology management. This program helped IT decision makers deal with the most pressing issues in their fast-changing field. 

Jo has also dedicated over 30 years to the Indiana University Kelley School of Business and Indiana Business Research Center in various information systems and management leadership roles. Ask anyone who knows her and they’ll tell you that she is quick to share her opinion, her wisdom, as well as her network to women looking for advice and support for career success in STEM and IT.
Despite being retired and living in Bloomington, Jo faithfully and fervently attends a large number of Women & Hi Tech board meetings, events and functions, and in the spirit of networking, often brings others along. She helps us always remember and stay true to why this organization was founded, and the relevance of its mission today, just as it was almost 20 years ago. She reminds us that although we’ve come a long way, we still have a long way to go, and to always remember we have a duty and obligation to be the voice of advocacy for women in STEM in Indiana. 

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Women & Hi Tech is a 501(c)3 charitable organization, and all donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Federal ID Number: 35-2113596. 
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